218 Open Daily games
1 Open Realtime game

Rating distribution for Lynxkewl


Sun 2nd Jan 13:24
War rated  Fair
Slightly different than the standard Risk board. Australia has two boarders with Siam, there are no neutrals at the start.
A big negative is that the coloring is difficult to see in the UK and Japan; if the country boarders were made slimmer I think this issue would be resolved and my rank would jump 3 stars.
#4 of 4
Fri 5th Nov 13:45
WarGear Warfare rated  Perfect
I love this game....there is some starting luck involved, but that is the nature of the game.....
#3 of 4
Fri 5th Nov 13:43
StarGear rated  Poor
I love the concept and the multiple routes to play...it seems, however, that several of routes to win are far inferior than the rest......to compensate for this, I suggest limiting the number of attacks each turn to 5.
#2 of 4
Fri 5th Nov 13:40
Seven rated  Bad
this is a wonderful idea for a game, however it is not competitive due to lopsided starting positions.
#1 of 4